Thursday, May 11, 2017


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We have been working on a humanitarian project for months to help a group of people here called the Romas.  They are a group with darker skin and are gypsies that send their children out to beg and don't always send them to school.  We found an organized group of Romas who want to educate their children and have an after school boys and girls club.  FANTASTIC!  We were all over this.  We are at the final stages of our project getting them furniture, books, etc.  for their after school rental unit.  It is right by the school the children go to and they will have volunteers to help them after school do homework and catch up on curriculum.  In fact, the man we are mostly working with speaks very good English and has tried to educate himself as much as possible.  He has not only worked to get permits, organizations to donate the rent for a year.  We think this is a great project and worth our effort..... UNTIL TODAY!

In conversation, he asked politely how is your family?  All in good health?  We responded positively and asked him the same.  Oh how many children do you have?  And are they in good health?  He responded proudly that he just married off his 13 year old girl recently and that she is now married!!!!!!   UGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!  MY heart sank!   We are working with someone who is involved with children and would do this to his OWN CHILD!!!      BREAK BREAK BREAK BREAK WARNING WARNING WARNING!!!!!   Every time lately I feel like we are motivating people here to step out of their traditions that hold them captive and to protect children  from smoking , drinking or getting  sold off to older men before they are really old enough to CHOOSE!  and to be RESPONSIBLE ADULTS------THIS HAPPENS!!!     All his good intensions just deflated for me!  I don't want to work with him on any project!  UUHHGGH!

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