Sunday, May 14, 2017

There are those days when you feel you are doing more Harm than good, or just breaking even on the Momentum of Missionary Work.  It wouldn't matter as much if I didn't truly Love these Pogradec People and want not just to better their lives but to have them have that drive for Eternal Happiness with their Father in Heaven....... 

In a Kingdom where perfection is an eventual expectation, each other’s needs for improvement have a way of being noticed. Perceptive Jethro had plenty of data to back up the crisp counsel he gave his son-in-law Moses. (See Ex. 18.) Even prophets notice their weaknesses. Nephi persisted in a major task “notwithstanding my weakness.” (2 Ne. 33:11.) Another Nephite prophet, Jacob, wrote candidly of his “over anxiety” for those with whom he was not certain he could communicate adequately. (Jacob 4:18.) Our present prophet has met those telling moments when he has felt as if he could not meet a challenge. Yet he did.

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